Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lava Butte, Lava Tube, Lava Fields

Just outside of Bend is a National Park Service site where a volcano last erupted 5,000 years ago.  When it did lava spewed over a wide area.  Evidence of the eruption makes for an interesting series of hikes.  The first one we undertook was around a formation called the Lave Butte.  It’s a miniature cauldron and it belched out all the black lava rocks you’ll see below.
Looking down into the Lava Butte

Year round skiing also takes place at the mountain seen here called Bachelor

The snow capped formation in the distance is called "Sisters."
The main event is a few miles away from here and we plan on checking it out tomorrow morning on our way to Crater Lake, but there are some fascinating geologic formations.  The Lava Caves or Lava Tube is what happens when molten lava makes its own path under the earth’s surface.  The one we explored is a mile long.  You get a propane lamp and you walk down, down, down into the cave.  The temperature drops about 40 degrees in the tube.  Absent the lamps that are provided the tube is completely dark.

The height and width varies a little bit but there isn't any time when you are squeezing through a passage.  It's one mile long and you hike with miner lamps.  If there were any bats we didn't see them.  It's bright in my picture because of the flash. If you click on the picture it will take you to a video of people walking through the tube.

Merilee, Jan and Terry getting ready to ascend from the Lava Tube.  It's 50 feet under the surface.  Not to worry.  I was right behind them. 
Our room the past two days is overlooks the Deschute River.  When you see the way Bend uses the river you wish Albany and other communities along the Hudson had the same foresight.  Joggers, swimmers, kayaks, rafts all get easy access to the water through a series of public parks.  They are still playing in the water this evening at 8 PM.  The grounds around the banks are well groomed.

Off to Crater Lake in the morning.  I know there is not cell or internet service at the Lodge.  There may be service somewhere near it, but I won’t know until tomorrow.  If you don’t hear from us until Friday that is why.

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